Artist's Statement
My attraction to working in fiber stems from the range of possibilities offered by the materials and techniques. From the fluid act of painting on cloth, to the focused visual attention of arranging parts, to the tactile working of the stitches, I am continually excited by what I see.
My visual responses guide the process. I set up and paint on fabric in a way that will result in unique effects of color and texture. Using these painted fabrics in layering and building each piece, I will expand a form that emerges out of adjacent fabrics; echo a line that I’ve noticed twice already in paint and in cloth; articulate a pattern that appears too subtle; or use layers of sheer fabrics to deepen a color, alter a value, define a line, or mask what lies beneath. Hand stitching complements the relationships between colors and forms.
Throughout the process I am involved in an interplay between fresh responses and returning to influences, a balancing of structure and freedom.

Emily Richardson · Works In Cloth
Selected Exhibitions
2016 Alegre, Gateway Canyons CO
Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn NY
2015 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
2015 Contemporary Quilt Art from the Marbaum Collection, Texas Quilt Museum, La Grange TX
2014 Quilt Visions 2014: The Sky's the Limit, Visions Art Museum, San Diego CA
2013 Solo Exhibition of Recent Work, La Salle University Art Museum, Philadelphia PA
Masters: Art Quilts, Vol. 2, Traveling Exhibition,
New England Quilt Museum, Lowell MA,
Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts, Melbourne FL
2012 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Masters: Art Quilts, Vol. 2, Traveling Exhibition, Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, England
2011 Alegre, Gateway Canyons CO
Masters: Art Quilts, Vol. 2, Traveling Exhibition, International Quilt Festival, Houston TX
2009 Solo Exhibition, Visions Art Museum, San Diego CA
Quilt National 2009, Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, Athens OH
9th Quilt Nihon Exhibition, International Quilt Study Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE
2008 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
9th Quilt Nihon Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum & JR Nagoya Takashimaya Japan
Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn NY
2007 Quilting By the Lake, Morrisville NY
Give & Take, Robert Hillstead Textiles Gallery, IQSC, Lincoln NE
The Riffe Gallery of the Ohio Arts Council, Columbus OH
2006 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Jane Sauer Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe NM
Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Department of State, Brussels Belgium
Explorations, Ohio Craft Museum, Columbus OH
Transformations: Artist Working with Fibers, Festival of Quilts, Birmingham, England
Quilt National 2005, Touring Exhibition,
Riffe Gallery, Columbus OH;
American Textile Museum, Lowell MA
International Quilt Festival, Houston TX
2005 New Small Work in Fiber, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Of Time and Place: Layered and Stitched Textiles, Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts, Houston TX
Quilt National 2005, Touring Exhibition, Foundry Gallery, St. Charles MO
Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Department of State, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Quilt National 2005, The Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, Athens OH
Exhibition of New Work (two-person show with Nelda Warkentin), Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Layers of Meaning: The Art Quilt 2005, Contemporary Crafts Museum and Gallery, Portland OR
Small Works, The Gallery at Studio B, Lancaster OH
2004 Quilt Visions 2004, San Diego CA
Redefining Quilts, Bruce Gallery, Edinboro University, Edinboro PA
10th Annual Group Exhibition of Contemporary Quilts, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Sum of the Parts: Assemblage + Collage, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, Boone NC
Art Quilts from the Collection of the Museum of Arts & Design, American Textile History Museum, Lowell MA
Convergence/Divergence, Split Rock Design Artists at the Goldstein, University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN
Quilt National '03, Touring Exhibition, Quilters’ Heritage Celebration, Lancaster PA
Oxymoron Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Museum of the Southwest, Midland TX
Museum of Art, University of Maine, Bangor ME
2003 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe NM
Quilt National '03, Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, Athens OH
Six Continents of Quilts: The American Craft Museum Collection,
Michener Art Museum, Doylestown PA
Winnipeg Art gallery, Manitoba Canada
Oxymoron Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Rock County Historical Society, Janesville WI
Art Center Gallery, Erie Art Museum Erie, PA
Missouri Sate University, Warrensburg MO
Quilt National '01, Touring Exhibition,
Quilters’ Heritage Festival, Lancaster PA
Brigham City Museum, Brigham City UT
2002 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Six Continents of Quilts: The American Craft Museum Collection, Paine Webber Gallery NY
Faculty Exhibition, 10. Patchwork/Quiltseminar, Irsee, Germany
Small Works, The Gallery at Studio B, Lancaster OH
At the Cutting Edge: The State of the Art Quilt, Arthur Ross Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA
2001 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe NM
Living Tradition: Contemporary American Quilts, Netherlands Textile Museum, Tilburg
Quilt National ‘01, Dairy Barn Cultural Arts Center, Athens OH
The Quilt Show at Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle ME
Oxymorons: Absurdly Logical Quilts, Museum of American Quilters' Society, Paducah KY
2000 The Contemplative Stitch, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City MO
Art Quilts: America at the Millennium, Quilt Expo VII, Strasbourg France
Small Works, The Gallery at Studio B, Lancaster OH
2000 ARTiculate Threads, Ellipse Art Center, Arlington VA
National Faculty Invitational, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg TN
1999 Solo Exhibition of New Work, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Focus on Fiber, Art at City Hall, Philadelphia PA
Pushing The Surface, Humbrickhouse Museum, Coshocton OH
Full Deck Art Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Columbus IN
Southern Utah University, Cedar City UT
Pensacola Museum of Art, Pensacola FL
Quilt National ’97, Touring Exhibition, Quilters’ Heritage Celebration, Lancaster PA
1998 Contemporary Quilts, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Full Deck Art Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside CA
Longmont Museum, Longmont CO
Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, Las Vegas NV
Quilt National ’97, Touring Exhibition,
Carnegie Hall, Lewisburg WV
Wartburg College, Waverly IA
1997 Knotted, Stitched and Woven, Fiber Art by the 1997 Awards Recipients of The Leeway Foundation, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia PA
Quilt National ’97, The Dairy Barn, Southeastern Ohio Cultural Center, Athens OH
Fiberart International ‘97, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh PA
Fantastic Fibers Invitational, Yeiser Art Center, Paducah KY
Full Deck Art Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Mobile Museum of Art, AL
Fresno Art Museum, Fresno CA
1996 The Artist as Quiltmaker VII, Fireland Assoc. for the Visual Arts, Oberlin OH
Full Deck Art Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
New England Quilt Museum, Lowell MA
Nevada Museum of Art, Reno NV
1995 Full Deck Art Quilts, Touring Exhibition,
Renwick Gallery of the Museum of American Art
Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
American Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose CA
Fiberart International 1995, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh PA
Quilt National 1995, The Dairy Barn, Southeastern Ohio Cultural Center, Athens OH
Common Threads, Tempe Art Center, Tempe AZ
Invitational 1995, Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, The Columbus Cultural Arts Center, Columbus OH
The Art Quilt: Celebrating Women’s Visions and Energies, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
1994 Patterns of Vision: Tradition and Innovation in Contemporary Quiltmaking, James A. Michener Art Museum, Doylestown PA
Visions: Quilts, Layers of Excellence, San Diego Historical Society, San Diego CA
Quilt National 1993, Touring Exhibition, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba Canada
1993 Quilt National 1993, The Dairy Barn, Southeastern Ohio Cultural Center, Athens OH
Contemporary Quilts, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
Quilt National 1993, Touring Exhibition, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington DE
1992 Visions: The Art of the Quilt, San Diego Historical Society, San Diego CA
The Artist as Quiltmaker, Fireland Association for the Visual Arts, Oberlin OH
Combs, Karen. Masters of Illusion: Optical Illusions for Quilters. Paducah KY: AQS, 1997
Contemporary Quilts, Quilt National, 1997, Ashville NC: Lark Books, 1997
“Emily Richardson Comes to Japan”, Quilts Japan , no. 107, November 2005, 100
Fiberarts Design Book Five. Ashville NC: Lark Books, 1995.
Gibney, Louise McCormick. “Playing With a Full Deck,” Art Quilt Magazine, #3, 1995, pp. 7-8.
Graves, Stevii, Ed. Visions: Quilts, Layers of Excellence. Lafayette CA: C & T Publishing, 1994.
Hire, Dianne, Ed. Oxymorons: Absurdly Logical Quilts. Paducah KY: AQS, 2001
Hsiung, Danielle, "Artextures: Emily Richardson", Les Nouvelles du Patchwork, #77, 2003. p.68
James, Michael, “Emily Richardson, An Interview,” Art/Quilt Magazine, #8, 1997, p. 27.
Johnson, Marcia, Ed. “Patterns of Vision,” Art/Quilt Magazine, #3, 1995, p. 20.
Kieffer, Susan Mowery, Ed Fiberarts Design Book Seven. Ashville NC: Lark Books, 2004.
Kobayashi, R., “Emily Richardson Lecture and Workshop,” Japan Handicrafts, vol.44, June 2005, p. 82
McCann, Kathleen, “In Review: Emily Richardson & Nelda Warkentin” Surface Design Journal , Fall 2005, 54
McCann, Kathleen. “Leeway Foundation Awards Fiber Artists.” Fiberarts, vol.25, No 1, 1998, p. 13.
Pierce, Sue and Verna Suit. Art Quilts: Playing with a Full Deck. Petaluma CA: Pomegranate Art Books, 1995
Quilt National 2005; The Best Contemporary Quilts. New York NY: Lark Books, 2005
Quilt National 2003; The Best Contemporary Quilts. New York NY: Lark Books, 2003
Quilt National 2001; The Best Contemporary Quilts. New York NY: Lark Books, 2001
Quilt National: Contemporary Designs in Fabric. Ashville NC: Lark Books, 1995.
Quilt National ’93. Newton, CT: Taunton Press, 1993.
Ruyak, Jacqueline, “In Review: Emily Richardson, New Work”, Surface Design Journal, Winter 2000, p. 52.
Shaw, Robert. The Art Quilt. Southport CT., Hugh Lauter Levin Assocs. Inc. 1997
Shaw, Robert. Quilts: A Living Tradition. Southport CT., Hugh Lauter Levin Assocs., Inc. 1995
Six Continents of Quilts -The Museum of Arts and Design Collection, Taiwan, Kachsiung MFA, 2005, p.142
Sozanski, Edward, “Looking afresh at some familiar views”, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Weekend 5/14/99, p. 38
Timby, Deborah Bird, Ed. Visions: The Art of the Quilt. Lafayette, CA: C & T Publishing, 1992.
Young, Lynn Lewis. “Invitational 95,” Art/Quilt Magazine, #5, 1996, p. 31.
Collections (Partial Listing)
- Comcast, Philadelphia PA
- International Quilt Study Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE
- Marbaum Collection, Athens OH
- Maureen Hendricks Collection, Silver Spring MD
- Museum of Arts and Design, New York NY
- Nihon Vogue, Tokyo Japan
- NRG America, Philadelphia PA
- Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia PA
- SAS Institute, Carry NC
- University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro NJ
- Wilmington Trust, Wilmington DE
Private Collections (Partial Listing)
- Tom and Bertie Booth, Palo Alto CA Wesley and Ruth Rapoport, Rochester NY
- Jim Borgman, Cincinnati OH Sachiko Sasakura, Tokyo Japan
- Sabine Duwe, Singapore Lynne and Bertram Strieb, Philadelphia PA
- Andrea Limmer, Arlington VA Whitney Miller, Port Townsend WA
- Brigitte Thun, Elmshorn, Germany Anne R. Stevens, Gloucester MA
- 2014 President's Award, Visions Art Museum: Contemporary Quilts & Textiles
- 2004 Quilts Japan Prize, Sponsored by Nihon Vogue, Visions ‘04
- 1999 Finalist, The 20th Century’s 100 Best American Quilts, International Quilt Festival
- 1995 Juror’s Choice, The Art Quilt, Rochester NY
- 1993 Honorable Mention, Art Quilts 1993, The Mill Gallery, Guilford CT
- 1992 Juror’s Choice, The Artist as Quiltmaker, FAVA, Oberlin OH
- 1989 Best of Show: Fibers, Cheltenham Art Center, Cheltenham PA
- 1997 Excellence in Fiber Arts, The Leeway Foundation
- 1995 Fellowship Grant, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
- 1992 Finalist, Pew Fellowship in the Arts
- 1990, 91& 92 Full Tuition Work-Study Scholarship, Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Columbus OH
- 1989, 90& 91 Mini Grant Scholarship, Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen
- 2004 Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn NY
- 2003 Art Quilts at the Sedgwick 2004, Philadelphia PA
Teaching & Lectures
- 2014 Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg TN
- 2013 La Salle University Art Museum, Philadelphia PA
- 2012 Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia PA
- 2011 Alegre Retreat, Gateway Canyons CO
- 2009 East Bay Heritage Quilters, Oakland CA
Visions Art Museum, San Diego CA
Split Rock Arts Program, University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN - 2008 Haystack Mountain School of Crafts Deer Isle ME
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia PA - 2007 Quilting by the Lake, Morrisville NY
- 2006 Arizona Designer Craftsmen, Scottsdale AZ
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg TN - 2005 Japan Handicrafts Instructors’ Association, Tokyo and Osaka Japan
Alegre Retreat, Santa Fe NM
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Columbus OH
Quilting By the Lake, Morrisville NY - 2004 Quilt Visions / Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside CA
Peter Valley Craft Education Center, Layton NJ
Split Rock Arts Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN - 2003 Quilting By the Lake, Morrisville NY
- 2002 Patchwork/Quilt Seminar in der Schwabenakademie, Irsee, Germany
Quilt und Textilkunst, Munich, Germany
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Columbus OH - 2002 Split Rock Arts Program, University of Minnesota, Duluth MN
- 2001 Quilting By the Lake, Morrisville NY
- 2000 Textile Study Group of New York
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Athens OH
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg TN - 1999 Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Columbus OH
Quilting By The Lake, Morrisville NY - 1997 Quilt/Surface Design Symposium, Columbus OH
Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia PA
County Line Quilters, Chalfont PA - 1996 Heartstring Quilters, Bala Cynwyd PA
- 1995 Michener Art Museum, Doylestown PA
Born in Media PA, 1955
Bennington College, Bennington Vermont, 1974
University of Cincinnati, B.S. in Fashion Design, 1984, Cincinnati OH
Gross McCleaf Gallery
127 S. 16th St.
Philadelphia PA 19102
(215) 665-8138